siftings / ˈsɪf tɪŋz /


siftings 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. something sifted: siftings of flour.
  2. something that is separated by sifting: to discard the siftings.

siftings 近义词


等同于 judgment


等同于 scrutiny


等同于 threshing


等同于 hunt


  1. When the scoriæ are viscid, the quantity of siftings must be diminished; but if thin, they must be increased.
  2. Sow broadcast, cover with siftings just deep enough to hide the seed, and close the frame.
  3. These last may be considered the siftings of the smaller planets, and the first the refuse of the Saturnian system.
  4. Sowens, a dish made by steeping, fermenting, and then boiling the husks or siftings of oats in water.
  5. The second, B, C, is occupied with two successive siftings and the milling.