sharp-eyed / ˈʃɑrpˈaɪd /


sharp-eyed 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having keen sight or perception.

sharp-eyed 近义词


等同于 observant


等同于 eagle-eyed


  1. Yeah, the “Giant man-puppy” that is Gronkowski won't hold a sexual candle to the blue-eyed dreamboat.
  2. Having graduated Juilliard last spring, Alex Sharp is too young to have given the performance of a lifetime.
  3. The cop lay open-eyed with a grievous head wound as Johnson again checked for a pulse.
  4. To unwind, Sharp takes long showers, and stops himself from separating his food on his plate as Christopher would.
  5. Sharp was born in London, and spent the first seven years of his life traveling with his family around the US.
  6. A sob rose in her throat, and broke from her lips transformed into a trembling, sharp, glad cry.
  7. It was one of those long moments that makes a fellow draw his breath sharp when he thinks about it afterward.
  8. Mrs. Vivian had hardly spoken when the sharp little vibration of her door-bell was heard in the hall.
  9. Whatever you do, don't write a word to that Carr friend of yours; he's as sharp as a two-edged sword.
  10. Robinson looked at him suspiciously as he took it, and the animals eyed him with evident distrust.