scarred / skɑr /


scarred3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a mark left by a healed wound, sore, or burn.
  2. a lasting aftereffect of trouble, especially a lasting psychological injury resulting from suffering or trauma.
  3. any blemish remaining as a trace of or resulting from injury or use.
  4. Botany. a mark indicating a former point of attachment, as where a leaf has fallen from a stem.
v. 有主动词 verb

scarred, scar·ring.

  1. to mark with a scar.
v. 无主动词 verb

scarred, scar·ring.

  1. to form a scar in healing.

scarred 近义词

v. 动词 verb

mark, hurt


  1. Their bodies bear the scars from cuts and other on-the-job injuries.
  2. So, it’s kind of like as you get older, I have scars on my body.
  3. A decade from now their kids will be grown and they will still be bearing the scars of the Covid pandemic.
  4. Today, investors are less concerned about sudden exchange-rate shifts than in recent years, when the scars of the mini-devaluation lingered.
  5. The state has since increased income taxes and sales taxes and other sources of revenue, but the wound of 1978 has formed scar tissue in the brains of anyone who thinks about California public policy.
  6. I did 10 years without being scarred; I fought infrequently, only when I had no other option, and mostly in the beginning.
  7. When she declined, she claimed she was fired from the Vegas Hilton, and that the whole experience scarred her for life.
  8. My children and I are safe now, but we will always by scarred by those twelve years of abuse and fear of deportation.
  9. The Orioles scarred Palmer by insinuating that his problems were in his head.
  10. The battle-scarred daytime TV vet agrees that Vieira could survive and even thrive, but offers a cautionary note.
  11. The mountain ranges were bathed in sunshine and the scarred and seamy face of stern old Errigal seemed almost to smile.
  12. Bascomb could scramble and make headway up the scarred bank, but there was no chance for the motor-cycle to follow.
  13. That instant its tawny face scarred with black emerged from behind green leaves.
  14. Richard kissed father and mother, wrung Herbert's great scarred paw, and vanished in a tent at the northern end of the close.
  15. Had the stone struck a little higher, it would probably have put out her eye; as it was, her face was badly scarred.