satiation [ sā′shē-āshən ]


satiation 的定义

n. 名词 noun

    satiation 近义词

    n. 名词 noun



    1. How lovely, than, that one Internet denizen took the time to help these forgotten statesmen find sexual satiation…with each other!
    2. He seeks those things that satisfy the senses, he attempts the satiation of the lower cravings.
    3. The only ambition of this great powerful frame was to do nothing, to grovel in idleness and satiation from hour to hour.
    4. The promise of satiation, of inevitability, steeped his being in a pleasant lethargy.
    5. Delicacies of fish and flesh and hitherto unheard-of fruits were served up to me to satiation.
    6. Somewhat nettled she showed displeasure, charged him with the fickleness of satiation.