rudiments / ˈru də mənt /


rudiments 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Usually rudiments. the elements or first principles of a subject: the rudiments of grammar.a mere beginning, first slight appearance, or undeveloped or imperfect form of something: the rudiments of a plan.
  2. Biology. an organ or part incompletely developed in size or structure, as one in an embryonic stage, one arrested in growth, or one with no functional activity, as a vestige.

rudiments 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Many adults, it is said, hardly have a rudiment of this feeling, pairing the most fiercely antagonistic tints.
  2. Yet even in the case of this child one could observe now and again a rudiment of the tendency to bring in what is hidden.
  3. No; what struck me was that never have I seen in you the smallest rudiment or embryo of a conscience or of any moral sense.
  4. Some little trace would be kept by the clinging force of heredity, and at some time or another this rudiment would appear.
  5. The love of the sex with man is not the origin of conjugial love, but is its first rudiment, 98.