rigidly / ˈrɪdʒ ɪd /


rigidly 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard: a rigid strip of metal.
  2. firmly fixed or set.
  3. inflexible, strict, or severe: a rigid disciplinarian; rigid rules of social behavior.
  4. exacting; thorough; rigorous: a rigid examination.
  5. so as to meet precise standards; stringent: lenses ground to rigid specifications.
  6. Mechanics. of, relating to, or noting a body in which the distance between any pair of points remains fixed under all forces; having infinite values for its shear modulus, bulk modulus, and Young's modulus.
  7. Aeronautics. having a form maintained by a stiff, unyielding structure contained within the envelope.pertaining to a helicopter rotor that is held fixedly at its root.

rigidly 近义词


等同于 unchangeably


等同于 firmly


  1. It’s very hard for working parents, single working moms, to fit into the rigid corporate structure of having to commute in, having to work from eight to five.
  2. In 2008, she was the fastest miler in the world to miss out, thanks to Canada’s extra-rigid qualifying standards—a distinction that left a bitter taste in her mouth.
  3. With all this newfound information, Kussmaul created a rigid device about a foot and a half long and half an inch wide that was equipped with an external gasoline lamp.
  4. Most of the electronic devices we use today are made of rigid metal, plastic and glass.
  5. Lift your feet off the floor and hold your body in a rigid half-plank, with a straight line from your knees to your head.
  6. You rigidly avoid any food you deem to be “unhealthy,” such as those containing fat, preservatives, additives or animal products.
  7. One of the admirable things about Secretary of State John Kerry being his rigidly logical mind.
  8. A column of wildebeest cantered rigidly in the other direction—all spindly legs, candyfloss white beards, and sloping backs.
  9. Their voices amplified by PA systems, the protests' leaders exhort their audiences with rigidly ideological slogans.
  10. High-minded pursuits dovetail with rigidly disciplining your body.
  11. Tony, less self-centred, less rigidly contained, had penetrated her by an understanding sympathy greater than his own.
  12. Every movement rigidly prescribed, arms held rigid and sharply bent at the elbows.
  13. The voice that had been held rigidly to the usual calm clarity of an official announcer became suddenly high-pitched and vibrant.
  14. A fixed time-table was imposed, to be rigidly observed by all classes of paupers, in all workhouses, at all seasons of the year.
  15. Her hand clasped the back of the seat rigidly, as if she were holding something down.