reciprocate / rɪˈsɪp rəˌkeɪt /


reciprocate2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

re·cip·ro·cat·ed, re·cip·ro·cat·ing.

  1. to give, feel, etc., in return.
  2. to give and receive reciprocally; interchange: to reciprocate favors.
  3. to cause to move alternately backward and forward.
v. 无主动词 verb

re·cip·ro·cat·ed, re·cip·ro·cat·ing.

  1. to make a return, as for something given.
  2. to make interchange.
  3. to be correspondent.
  4. to move alternately backward and forward.

reciprocate 近义词

v. 动词 verb

exchange, alternate; equal


  1. My cousin reciprocated by mailing me a fairly expensive gift card to a restaurant where I rarely dine.
  2. Iowa State has not traditionally been a college football program that reciprocates heightened expectations with on-field success.
  3. Every chance she got, she would playfully swat at Luna with her front paws, and expect Luna to reciprocate.
  4. There is a state compact where they will reciprocate and recognize parts of their license or education, but you still usually have to go through a process and it takes weeks even if they are part of that compact.
  5. China quickly reciprocated by sanctioning 11 prominent Americans.
  6. “She was always aloof, quiet, and never put out any effort to reciprocate,” Wall said.
  7. And world powers said they were ready to reciprocate, if Iran gave significant assurances.
  8. The Israelis reciprocate with unique intelligence assistance.
  9. They treat the Yemenis with contempt, and the Yemenis reciprocate.
  10. When we meet in debates, Karl is cordial—even genial—and I do my best to reciprocate.
  11. This dedication is very precious, as indicating your regard for me, and on my part I reciprocate your feeling.
  12. I can assure you it would have been very pleasant and interesting, for I, too, warmly reciprocate your sympathy.
  13. To-day we reciprocate by sending Western farmers with capital into the Canadian Northwest.
  14. I must, however, allow that Mr. Henson is a courteous disputant, and I hope I shall reciprocate his good feeling.
  15. Hence, there was always some truth in the charge of his friends that he failed to reciprocate their devotion with his favors.