receipts / rɪˈsit /


receipts3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a written acknowledgment of having received, or taken into one's possession, a specified amount of money, goods, etc.
  2. receipts, the amount or quantity received: Economic austerity diminished the government’s tax receipts.
  3. the act of receiving or the state of being received: We are in receipt of your letter requesting a copy of the report.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to acknowledge in writing the payment of: The check was dated January 9, and the invoice was receipted on January 15.
  2. to give a receipt for.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to give a receipt, as for money or goods.

receipts 近义词

n. 名词 noun

money earned in business venture


  1. “I was so paranoid that I would shred the receipts,” she said.
  2. Total receipts were $9,501,795, with expenses of $9,447,467 and $381,098 benefiting candidates.
  3. Total receipts were $10,659,371, with expenses of $9,263,753 and $1,027,354 benefiting candidates.
  4. Total receipts were $3,801,897, with expenses of $3,675,432 and $326,810 benefiting candidates.
  5. Total receipts were $2,068,666, with expenses of $2,120,019 and $106,000 benefiting candidates.
  6. But the continual drafts had kept ever in advance of the receipts, draining the exchequer—crippling its faculties.
  7. Railway expectations ran high; immense traffic receipts, sorely needed, ought to have swelled the coffers of the companies.
  8. "Scamps would claim money twice over when they could," said Mr. Carr; and Elster was a careless man, always losing his receipts.
  9. The revenue collected within the province (including the customs receipts) is spent therein.
  10. The elevator company must keep on hand enough grain to meet all outstanding receipts.