purulent / ˈpyʊər ə lənt, ˈpyʊər yə- /


purulent 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. full of, containing, forming, or discharging pus; suppurating: a purulent sore.
  2. attended with suppuration: purulent appendicitis.
  3. of the nature of or like pus: purulent matter.

purulent 近义词


等同于 rotten


  1. Above all, the doctor—the doctor and the purulent trash and garbage of his pharmacopoeia!
  2. These sacs contain purulent matter, of all shades and odours, and identical with that which the animal coughed up.
  3. Abscess, ab′ses, n. a collection of purulent matter within some tissue of the body.
  4. Towards the end of the year 1783, became affected with slight cough and expectoration of purulent matter.
  5. The existence of a purulent discharge is no excuse for lack of cleanliness.