noisome / ˈnɔɪ səm /


noisome 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. offensive or disgusting, as an odor.
  2. harmful or injurious to health; noxious.

noisome 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

immoral, bad, offensive


  1. It filled my head, that muttering sound, like thick oily smoke from a fat-rendering vat or an odour of noisome decay.
  2. Her tomb is in a small chapel, dark, damp, and even noisome: it is indicated only by a flat unadorned stone.
  3. I felt assured he would not live long, unless removed from that noisome place.
  4. She had entered into noisome places, but so had the marsh-hawk poising grandly on motionless wing there above.
  5. The fragrant white pond lily springs from the same black mud out of which the yellow lily sucks its obscene life and noisome odor.
  6. But it was the choice and the pleasure of Milton to penetrate the noisome vapors, and to brave the terrible explosion.