procession / prəˈsɛʃ ən /


procession2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of moving along or proceeding in orderly succession or in a formal and ceremonious manner, as a line of people, animals, vehicles, etc.
  2. the line or body of persons or things moving along in such a manner.
  3. Ecclesiastical. an office, litany, etc., said or sung in a religious procession.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to go in procession.

procession 近义词

n. 名词 noun

parade, sequence


  1. Every half-hour, one doctor said, a funeral procession rumbled toward the cemetery.
  2. Americans have now become deeply familiar with this civics lesson, one that features members of the House striding slowly through the hall as though they are part of a funeral procession.
  3. I will be pleased to not join what looks like a funeral procession in the mall parking lot of people trying to find parking spaces.
  4. What followed was a procession of hateful attacks like the one Paul experienced.
  5. The occasion of their procession is hypothetically related to the celebration of peace.
  6. The procession continued on to the Cypress Hill Cemetery, where Ramos was buried the week before.
  7. They repeated that several times and before the procession moved on.
  8. The NYPD Emerald Society pipes and drums struck up a slow march and the procession began the journey to the cemetery.
  9. This group was far larger, its procession stretching out over two to three city blocks and numbering more than a hundred.
  10. One depicts a procession of figures wearing both Mayan and Spanish garb, some holding what appear to be human hearts.
  11. Let me illustrate: Last week, month, or year you saw a military procession pass along the streets.
  12. The mode of procession was a little out of the common order of such affairs; but so was the marriage.
  13. Hundreds of soldiers already lined the streets to keep the crowd back out of the way of the procession.
  14. The procession made its way slowly towards the river, three quarters of a mile to the east.
  15. They made an odd procession as they marched out of the hall, under the sullen eyes of the baulked cut-throats and their mistress.