prehension / prɪˈhɛn ʃən /


prehension 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of seizing or grasping.
  2. mental apprehension.

prehension 近义词


等同于 understanding


等同于 comprehension


  1. Upon this emancipation followed the liberation of jaws and mouth from their use as organs of prehension.
  2. The trophi serve merely for the prehension of prey, and not for mastication.
  3. It is wonderful, and passing wonder, how teachable and quick of perception and prehension is Nature in the studio of Art.
  4. The extensions of the body-substance which are put forth by the Rhizopoda at will, and which serve for locomotion and prehension.
  5. Having for its function the narrowing of the orifice it surrounds, it acts during suction and in the prehension of food.