pitying / ˈpɪt i ɪŋ /


pitying 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. full of or expressing pity: a pitying look.

pitying 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

feeling pity


  1. What should have been a moment of reckoning for a selfish, serial liar instead ended with us pitying him.
  2. To paraphrase the great John Oliver, listen up, fellow self-pitying nerd boys—we are not the victims here.
  3. Galina slipped in for a moment and with a pitying look gave me a blanket.
  4. Strung out on a punishing regimen of diet pills, the once genial young man becomes a sullen, self-pitying wreck.
  5. Actually, the fact that it cowers under a phalanx makes it infinitely more pitying.
  6. No human ear heard her cries for help, no pitying voice soothed her last agonies.
  7. They walked silently down the lane together, Gilbert sullen and mortified, Dorothy pitying but resolute.
  8. "Your memories possess you," he observed gently, and the stern look passed into something almost pitying.
  9. She smiled the pitying smile of one equipped with superior knowledge when confronted with an obstinate, uninformed mind.
  10. Something in his voice, a sad pitying tenderness, caused her heart to beat a shade quicker.