pillage 的 3 个定义
pil·laged, pil·lag·ing.
- to strip ruthlessly of money or goods by open violence, as in war; plunder: The barbarians pillaged every conquered city.
- to take as booty.
pil·laged, pil·lag·ing.
- to rob with open violence; take booty: Soldiers roamed the countryside, pillaging and killing.
- the act of plundering, especially in war.
- booty or spoil.
pillage 近义词
plunder, destroy
- Will the Obama coalition now forever outvote and and pillage the makers of American wealth?
- They will use their majority to pillage the makers and redistribute to the takers.
- Those who carry out this pillage probably believe they can outrun their own destructiveness.
- Instead, they were complicit in the plastic pillage that generated a fortune in fees from the member banks and their execs.
- What reliance could repose upon a house, divided against itself—not safe from the extravagance and pillage of its own members?
- Cuenca, Spain, taken by the French under Caulincourt, and given up to pillage.
- So there was pillage and raiding across the Parrett, and at last Ina had sent messages to Gerent concerning it.
- He gave up the town to pillage and rapine, allowing the doing of such deeds as have consigned his name to well-merited infamy.
- Never forget our rule: 'A true vagabond, twenty-four hours after a pillage, must have nothing left but his skin and his knife.'