picador / ˈpɪk əˌdɔr; Spanish ˌpi kɑˈðɔr /


picador 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pi·ca·dors, Spanish pi·ca·do·res [pee-kah-thaw-res]. /ˌpi kɑˈðɔ rɛs/.

  1. one of the mounted assistants to a matador, who opens the bullfight by enraging the bull and weakening its shoulder muscles with a lance.

picador 近义词


等同于 matador

picador 的近义词 2

等同于 bullfighter


等同于 clown


  1. Published by Picador, the book is set for an October 2014 release.
  2. Like a picador, he takes his time to sap the strength of his foes before clubbing them unconscious.
  3. I had learned the metaphor, which stands for Andalusia, from my friend Francisco Sevilla, a well-known picador.
  4. Eyes are flashing, on faces a flush comes, a number of hats fly to the arena in honor of the picador.
  5. I saw two such examples in Madrid, after which came a hurricane of applause for the picador.
  6. When the bull withdraws, the picador advances, but only a few steps, so that the battle never takes place in the centre.
  7. Sometimes they come to close quarters, a picador is thrown, his horse is wounded, or perhaps killed.