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torero 的定义
plural to·re·ros [tuh-rair-ohz; Spanish taw-re-raws]. /təˈrɛər oʊz; Spanish tɔˈrɛ rɔs/.
- a bullfighter, especially a matador.
torero 近义词
等同于 bullfighter
torero 的近义词 6 个
等同于 matador
torero 的近义词 1 个
- He was the perfect and characteristic type of a torero, such as Spanish fancy has always imagined it.
- To their wives is due much of the making and all the keeping up of the elaborate and costly dress of the torero.
- They caused the torero to repeat it again and again, until the spotted mustang had become all of one colour.
- He was named, of course, after the famous torero described by Gautier in his "Voyage en Espagne."
- All other nations seem to take kindly to it, but torero is the Spanish for bull-fighter.