paradisiacally / ˌpær ə dɪˈsaɪ ə kəl, -ˈzaɪ- /


paradisiacally 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, like, or befitting paradise.

paradisiacally 近义词


等同于 gladly


  1. But to be well and truly put in your place, jump into that paradisiacal blue for a close encounter with a gentle giant.
  2. Our yellow banana, otherwise known as the “dessert banana,” is actually a hybrid scientifically named Musa × paradisiacal.
  3. We seem to be in some happy land, where the pastoral life should be easy, and even a little paradisiacal.
  4. We would gladly linger over these records of a paradisiacal home where Adam and Eve renewed their innocent loves and happy labors.
  5. The city of which there is a pattern in heaven (Republic), is here described as a Paradisiacal state of human society.
  6. The women wear a little clothing, but the men disdain even the paradisiacal fig-leaf, and go about in a state of absolute nudity.
  7. I have no paradisiacal evening interviews, stolen from the restless cares and prying inhabitants of this weary world.