genially / ˈdʒin yə li, ˈdʒi ni ə li /


genially 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. in a pleasantly cheerful or cordial way: As the dishes were passed around, we quibbled genially over whether to use two tortillas or one per taco.

genially 近义词


等同于 kindly


等同于 cheerfully


等同于 generously


等同于 merrily

genially 的近义词 4
genially 的反义词 1

等同于 mildly

genially 的近义词 4
genially 的反义词 1

等同于 socially


等同于 warmly


等同于 agreeably


等同于 gladly


  1. He sounded genially reflective, not sad, saying it—but Philip Seymour Hoffman was certain: pleasure was not happiness.
  2. I'd guess they told him to come across as genially disappointed, more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger, and he kind of went off the rails.
  3. As the genially malevolent talking head considers a bid for the presidency, a lot of people are asking themselves that question.
  4. "That's as it ought to be, Sam," said the detective genially.
  5. Skipper Zeb exclaimed, genially, warming his hands before the fire.
  6. "Have another scotch on the rocks, Ralph," he said genially.
  7. He was on guard now when his Aminta played, not the indignant and the frozen, but the genially indifferent.
  8. When Dorn had passed through another torrent of congratulations, the judge genially resumed the direction of affairs.