ungrudgingly / ʌnˈgrʌdʒ ɪŋ /


ungrudgingly 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not begrudging; not stinting; wholehearted: an ungrudging supporter of charities.

ungrudgingly 近义词


等同于 generously


  1. There was neither cheerful service on the one side nor ungrudging payment on the other.
  2. Its tapestries were the richest ever seen by Parisians, its silver such as few princes owned, its table lavish and ungrudging.
  3. It bears witness to the munificence of Darwin, and the ungrudging personal care of Hooker.
  4. After the war capital will be ungrudging in its remuneration to labour; and labour, in turn, must be ungrudging in its output.
  5. He could give ungrudging admiration to his chief, even whilst giving himself up entirely to the sentiment for Jeanne.