jocundly / ˈdʒɒk ənd, ˈdʒoʊ kənd /


jocundly 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. cheerful; merry; blithe; glad: a witty and jocund group.

jocundly 近义词


等同于 gladly


  1. The sound of the iron hammer on the malleable metal was like muffled silver, and the sparks flew out like jocund fireflies.
  2. Sometimes the breeze would fan aside a leaf cluster to disclose a jocund skull secured to the bark behind.
  3. Over a city distracted by factions and civil broils, he saw the devils very jocund, blowing the fire of discord.
  4. The jocund travelers came on; and as they came, Scrooge knew and named them every one.
  5. Wherefore then should grief sadden and distort such blythe, such jocund, features as mine?