overdramatic 的定义
- of or relating to the drama.
- employing the form or manner of the drama.
- characteristic of or appropriate to the drama, especially in involving conflict or contrast; vivid; moving: dramatic colors; a dramatic speech.
- highly effective; striking: The silence following his impassioned speech was dramatic.
overdramatic 近义词
等同于 melodramatic
overdramatic 的近义词 14 个
- theatrical
- artificial
- blood-and-thunder
- cliff-hanging
- cloak-and-dagger
- exaggerated
- ham
- hammy
- histrionic
- hokey
- overemotional
- sensational
- spectacular
- stagy
overdramatic 的反义词 2 个
- Is it overdramatic to say the entire public education system is under threat?