sudden / ˈsʌd n /


sudden3 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. happening, coming, made, or done quickly, without warning, or unexpectedly: a sudden attack.
  2. occurring without transition from the previous form, state, etc.; abrupt: a sudden turn.
  3. impetuous; rash.
adv. 副词 adverb
  1. Literary. without warning; suddenly.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Obsolete. an unexpected occasion or occurrence.

sudden 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

unexpected; happening quickly


  1. All of a sudden, political videos have started to appear across all categories — humor, beauty, sport.
  2. Thanks to Google's sudden disinterest in iOS app updates, the messages were showing even when users had the latest, two-month-old updates of these Google apps.
  3. As rescue workers search for more than 100 people who are still missing, officials and scientists are trying to unravel the causes of the sudden flood.
  4. The metaphor of “wildfire” became common in descriptions of the disease, especially “flare-ups” as countries that initially brought down their infection rates faced sudden surges of infection.
  5. The curriculum they covered was truncated in response to the sudden closure of schools in March, when the public health emergency slammed the nation.
  6. Because they stopped and I thought, “OK, that makes sense,” and then all of a sudden I saw another issue!
  7. Investigators will focus on whether the sudden emergency was so extreme that no degree of pilot skill would have helped.
  8. Airline pilots are now slowly, too slowly, being given access to flight simulators able to reproduce sudden and unexpected upsets.
  9. People will always scratch and save if a sudden burst of unrestrained pleasure can be purchased.
  10. Liu had been married just two months before and his wife now stood in this Brooklyn hospital, a sudden widow because of a madman.
  11. The noise of his slumbers culminated in a sudden, choking grunt, and abruptly ceased.
  12. The sudden pall of darkness in this strange house of mystery was just a tiny bit awesome.
  13. While you were admiring the long roll of the wave, a sudden spray would be dashed over you, and make you catch your breath!
  14. They were a well-matched pair; iron-nerved, both of them, the sort of men to face sudden death open-eyed and unafraid.
  15. Aristide, aglow with a sudden impudent inspiration, leant across the marble table.