outvote / ˌaʊtˈvoʊt /


outvote 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

out·vot·ed, out·vot·ing.

  1. to outdo or defeat in voting: The rural districts outvoted the urban districts. The measure was outvoted by the farmers.

outvote 近义词


等同于 override/overrule


  1. Increasingly frustrated liberal justices, routinely outvoted in these emergency cases, sounded off in Wednesday’s midnight opinion.
  2. Will the Obama coalition now forever outvote and and pillage the makers of American wealth?
  3. It had no chance of passage, unless the king would create enough new peers to outvote the opposition.
  4. Representatives of seven-ninths will always see that representatives of two-ninths do not outvote them.
  5. If the holders of these seats were debarred from voting, the Populists could outvote the Republicans.
  6. I don't want to interfere in your plans, and as you would be two to one of course you could outvote me if I did.
  7. Now Rockingham and his friends needed aid from somebody to give them the strength to outvote Grenville and the Tories.