outvote 的定义
out·vot·ed, out·vot·ing.
- to outdo or defeat in voting: The rural districts outvoted the urban districts. The measure was outvoted by the farmers.
outvote 近义词
等同于 override/overrule
outvote 的近义词 36 个
- alter
- annul
- bend to one's will
- control
- countermand
- direct
- disallow
- disregard
- dominate
- govern
- ignore
- influence
- invalidate
- make null and void
- make void
- not heed
- nullify
- outweigh
- overturn
- prevail over
- quash
- recall
- repeal
- rescind
- revoke
- ride roughshod
- rule against
- set aside
- supersede
- sway
- take no account of
- thwart
- trample
- upset
- vanquish
- veto
outvote 的反义词 4 个
- Increasingly frustrated liberal justices, routinely outvoted in these emergency cases, sounded off in Wednesday’s midnight opinion.
- Will the Obama coalition now forever outvote and and pillage the makers of American wealth?
- It had no chance of passage, unless the king would create enough new peers to outvote the opposition.
- Representatives of seven-ninths will always see that representatives of two-ninths do not outvote them.
- If the holders of these seats were debarred from voting, the Populists could outvote the Republicans.
- I don't want to interfere in your plans, and as you would be two to one of course you could outvote me if I did.
- Now Rockingham and his friends needed aid from somebody to give them the strength to outvote Grenville and the Tories.