outdistance / ˌaʊtˈdɪs təns /


outdistance 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

out·dis·tanced, out·dis·tanc·ing.

  1. to leave behind, as in running; outstrip: The winning horse outdistanced the second-place winner by five lengths.

outdistance 近义词

v. 动词 verb



  1. If the South is honest with itself, it may well outdistance the North in the improvement of race relations.
  2. When escorting the bombers we had to fly as slowly as we could and weave back and forth so as to not outdistance them.
  3. Cleo asked a boy, who was trying to outdistance the bright red fire engine.
  4. And then they got a guillemot which had its nest close by to fly beside them, while they tried to outdistance it by rowing.
  5. Chris's mood changed; his lazy fit passed away in a burning desire to emulate—not to say outdistance—his unknown rival.
  6. He walked smartly away, not only to outdistance the lodging-house keeper's voice, but because he was confused and disappointed.