nonplus / nɒnˈplʌs /


nonplus2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

non·plussed or non·plused,non·plus·sing or non·plus·ing.

  1. to render utterly perplexed by something unexpected; puzzle completely.
  2. Nonstandard. to cause to feel indifferent, calm, or unexcited: The food was good and all, but something about the place just nonplussed me.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a state of utter perplexity: When the protagonist's wife suddenly disappears, he's at a nonplus and fights with two different feelings.

nonplus 近义词

v. 动词 verb

confuse, perplex


  1. "I know of many," he answered, with a smile, an answer which by its simplicity seemed to nonplus the Duke.
  2. The renegade was a little at a nonplus, as he never had undergone the operation which he had described.
  3. The inquiring mind is at a nonplus, and is likely to remain so.
  4. He finds doubts and scruples better than resolves them, and has always some argument to nonplus himself.
  5. The idea at the bottom of the piece is that the devil will carry off the wee boy if he can nonplus him.