noble-minded / ˈnoʊ bəlˈmaɪn dɪd /


noble-minded 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. characterized by morally admirable thought or motives; righteous; worthy.

noble-minded 近义词


等同于 chivalrous


  1. The skateboarder is as irredeemably evil as the others are noble.
  2. If the noble experiment of American democracy is to mean anything, it is fidelity to the principle of freedom.
  3. The world is changing, and men really could use a movement—just not the misogynistic, conspiracy-minded one they have now.
  4. And the string of episodes that aired before that were gripping, noble, and simply entertaining to watch.
  5. But all fair-minded Americans should get behind this push for real equality and protections in the lives of all Americans.
  6. I find myself chained to the foot of a woman, my noble Cornelia would despise!
  7. What course was taken to supply that assembly when any noble family became extinct?
  8. They will reach you by the hands of Mr. Mackenzie, a worldly-minded Scotch merchant, but honest as to earthly things.
  9. You may imagine the effect this missive produced upon the proud, high-minded doctor of divinity.
  10. He remembered how his father had execrated this noble enemy, even at the time he declared his worth.