neddy / ˈnɛd i /


neddy 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ned·dies.

  1. British Informal. donkey.
  2. Australian Slang. a horse.

neddy 近义词


等同于 jackass

neddy 的近义词 6

等同于 donkey


  1. I offered Neddy two six-penn'orths to one upon it just now, but he wouldn't take it, and quite right.
  2. At the foot of the hill they found Neddy and the cart, and went home joyously, taking turns in the cart to spare Neddy.
  3. The dial represented his face in character when singing his popular comic song, “Me and my Neddy.”
  4. Mother Murden's first ball was a grand success for all but Neddy.
  5. She gave him a gentle shove, said "Good night, Neddy," and closed the door.