jennet / ˈdʒɛn ɪt /


jennet 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a female donkey; a jenny donkey.
  2. Also called Span·ish jen·net, gen·et . a small Spanish horse of the Middle Ages, prized as an ideal riding horse for nobility and light cavalry: now considered an extinct type, it was the progenitor of various modern breeds, most notably the Spanish jennet horse .

jennet 近义词


等同于 donkey


  1. Of both portions Jennet and Ellen partook, and would have had Grace join them in the ghoul-like repast, but she refused.
  2. One matchless Spanish jennet I despatched to my promised bride; its caparisons flamed with jewels and cloth of gold.
  3. I think he hath better reason to speak well of his own horse than the king's roan jennet.
  4. "Forbear," cried Robin, waving his dagger so soon as the man made attempt to take his mother's jennet by the bridle.
  5. However, knowing that presently they must espy his jennet tethered by the road, Robin became desperate.