mutilated / ˈmyut lˌeɪt /


mutilated 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

mu·ti·lat·ed, mu·ti·lat·ing.

  1. to injure, disfigure, or make imperfect by removing or irreparably damaging parts: Vandals mutilated the painting.
  2. to deprive of a limb or other essential part.

mutilated 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


mutilated 的近义词 5


  1. After the man’s body was recovered, his mutilated left leg probably detached and was placed on his chest when he was buried, the researchers say.
  2. The thing with translators is that you have to cut off the oratory, mutilate the ideas to give them time to do their work.
  3. False rumors swirled that Hughes had mutilated Pearl Farlow’s throat and breasts, sending the mob into a murderous rage.
  4. Their world, like Paul’s, was full of monsters determined to abuse, kidnap and mutilate kids.
  5. Prisoners there became severely depressed: some began to compulsively mutilate themselves; others attempted suicide.
  6. With cynical cruelty, he set himself to insult, to undermine, to mutilate it.
  7. It would not mutilate and disfigure the body, for it is a sacred temple, to be made beautiful and attractive.
  8. You mutilate my brain with your clumsy pincers—you put your claws into my thoughts and tear them to pieces!
  9. Not only does the censorship mutilate literary works, but it often suffocates the inspiration of the author.
  10. This dispatch, too, the House of Commons took care to mutilate before sending it to the press.