medicament / məˈdɪk ə mənt, ˈmɛd ɪ kə- /


medicament 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a healing substance; medicine; remedy.

medicament 近义词

n. 名词 noun


n. 名词 noun



  1. For in the beginning men took snuff, not as an everyday luxury, but as a medicament.
  2. The little reproach, added to the wound to his pride, required a healing medicament; she put her lips to his fingers.
  3. Even though gropingly at times, the physicians of the walled cities had put their fingers upon the specific medicament.
  4. I remember to have cured a disconsolate widower, who obstinately refused every other medicament, by a strict course of geology.
  5. For many things are swallowed by Animals, rather for condiment, gust or medicament, then any substantial nutriment.