mainline / ˈmeɪnˌlaɪn, -ˈlaɪn /


mainline3 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

main·lined, main·lin·ing.Slang.

  1. to inject a narcotic, especially heroin, directly into a vein.
  2. to use or enjoy something without restriction: to mainline on TV movies.
v. 有主动词 verb

main·lined, main·lin·ing.Slang.

  1. to inject directly into a vein.
  2. to use, enjoy, or imbibe without restriction: mainlining coffee all day long.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having a principal, established, or widely accepted position; major; mainstream: the membership of mainline churches.

mainline 近义词


等同于 principal


等同于 prosperous


等同于 inject

mainline 的近义词 5
mainline 的反义词 1


  1. Now it’s time to stop pressing the “B button” on the mainline games, and let them evolve into something new.
  2. Twenty-five years in, nothing had really changed in terms of how players engaged with the gameplay in the mainline Pokémon titles.
  3. It’s not a mainline game, but the announcement alone has changed my perspective.
  4. The battle system — which looks relatively unchanged from the mainline games — appears to be returning, alongside some new features, like rolling and sneaking through tall grass to get the jump on unsuspecting Pokémon.
  5. The Pokémon mainline games have been in desperate need of a shake-up.
  6. Mainline and black Protestants rarely regard Southern Baptists and Mormons as political allies.
  7. And mainline Protestant denominations find themselves shrinking.
  8. Mainline Protestant denominations are in marked decline and Evangelical Christianity is in slow retrograde.
  9. This collaboration is different from our mainline collection, but the PETER PILOTTO woman is the same.
  10. The decline of mainline Protestantism has also undermined this sort of prudent, empirically-minded Republicanism.
  11. Sidetrack your emotions if you can and stick to the mainline!