premier / prɪˈmɪər, -ˈmyɪər, ˈpri mɪər /


premier2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the head of the cabinet in France or Italy or certain other countries; first minister; prime minister.
  2. a chief officer.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. first in rank; chief; leading.
  2. first in time; earliest; oldest.

premier 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

leading; original


  1. Even with those two struggling, the Clippers should have been able to rely on Lou Williams, who’s long been one of the NBA’s premier bucket-getters.
  2. Abe is the grandson of former premier Nobusuke Kishi and the son of former foreign minister Shintaro Abe.
  3. Akash and Isha Ambani, twin children of Asia’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani, are building Reliance Jio, India’s premier mobile carrier, into the world’s next tech giant.
  4. This is the premier natural history and science museum in the western United States.
  5. From 2013 to 2015, the Dodgers weren’t baseball’s premier team, maxing out at 94 wins in 2014, but they may have been its flashiest.
  6. Most recently, Karl Lagerfeld hosted a grand fête celebrating the premier of his film Reincarnation.
  7. Female stars of the nation's premier improv collective read a gay friend's Grindr messages.
  8. When most of us think of the premier retirement destination for unrepentant Nazis, our minds immediately turn to South America.
  9. Only time will tell whether Mattel can save their premier toy from financial ruin.
  10. For all these reasons and more, the 38-year-old actress has become one of the premier portrayers of working-class women onscreen.
  11. Le Dimanche premier iour d'Aoust ils quitterent ledit Banc, le 20.
  12. Et pour ce le premier secours doit estre cette Republique, & non ce qui a le pretexte de piet.
  13. Plusieurs autres se sont occups la terre, comme estant le premier mtier & le plus necessaire la vie de l'homme.
  14. The retiring premier, indeed, nobly attributed the whole triumph to that long-tried champion of free-trade.
  15. The premier had proceeded by "resolution," as it is constitutional to do in all measures affecting the public revenue.