ma / mɑ /


ma 的定义

n. 名词 noun


ma 近义词


等同于 gaga


等同于 mom


等同于 Master of Arts

ma 的近义词 3

等同于 mental age


  1. But, keeping Wu Tun and his t-shirts in mind, how serious is Jack Ma about putting customers first?
  2. Ma wrote online, “Let the users decide who wins the game, not monopoly and power.”
  3. To be fair, Ma provided the only safe answer to that question, if “safe” means acceptable to the Chinese Communist Party.
  4. When Ma was still an English teacher in Hangzhou earning $12 a month, he gathered 17 men and women in his apartment.
  5. “They call me Ma because I give them money and horses and diamonds,” Mandelbaum reportedly said.
  6. "I supposed you 'adn't, as 'e ain't 'ere, with yer ma," replied the young person.
  7. Dieu se servit de cette sienne bonne volont, non seulement pour ma sauvet, mais autant pour celle de tout l'esquipage.
  8. The whole farm was just clear rocks, ma says, and that's why the walls are four five feet thick, some of 'em more.
  9. Ma says all the gold'll ever be dug out o' Skyrie is them rocks he put into his stone walls.
  10. I would, too, but ma she hadn't nothing nice cooked up, and she was sort of scared offerin' city folks country victuals.