lion-hearted / ˈlaɪ ənˌhɑr tɪd /


lion-hearted 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. exceptionally courageous or brave.

lion-hearted 近义词


等同于 valiant


等同于 manly


等同于 manful


等同于 heroic


  1. Indeed, Lion Air, with 45 percent of the domestic Indonesian airline market, has swallowed the Fernandes formula whole.
  2. There is a larger reason, beyond the airlines themselves, why Lion Air and 61 other Indonesian airlines are on this black list.
  3. Two Indonesian airlines, Garuda and Lion Air, have seen Fernandes eat their lunch and are only now responding.
  4. The Lion Air captain had left his rookie copilot to make the landing until he realized he was in trouble.
  5. The airplane was owned by an Indonesian budget carrier, Lion Air.
  6. The simple honest-hearted General, who knew not the guile of their hearts, was deluded into wishing them success.
  7. Thereafter he ran away from school twice, having been seized with a romantic and irresistible desire to see and shoot a lion!
  8. The strength of the lion is tremendous, owing to the immense mass of muscle around its jaws, shoulders, and forearms.
  9. The calf and the bear shall feed: their young ones shall rest together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
  10. But his head was too hot to wear a thinking cap, and no story would come at his half-hearted call.