puissant / ˈpyu ə sənt, pyuˈɪs ənt, ˈpwɪs ənt /


puissant 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. powerful; mighty; potent.

puissant 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. For he deemed a lady so much sought after must needs be a puissant dame.
  2. Then they were seated behind him, and the puissant horses shot off down the Corso and towards the Bastioni at a magnificent pace.
  3. High, puissant and redoubtable seigneur of Nointel, Jacques Bonhomme pardons you for the outrage he perpetrated upon you!
  4. No more wars: puissant Ladies, shew conditions And freely I accept 'em.
  5. Half an hour later, Haward rose from his chair and bowed low as to some highborn and puissant dame.