sturdy / ˈstɜr di /


sturdy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

stur·di·er, stur·di·est.

  1. strongly built; stalwart; robust: sturdy young athletes.
  2. strong, as in substance, construction, or texture: sturdy walls.
  3. firm; courageous; indomitable: the sturdy defenders of the Alamo.
  4. of strong or hardy growth, as a plant.

sturdy 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

solid, durable


  1. Its streamlined, but sturdy, exoskeleton may shield the insect from digestive juices.
  2. The club, helmed by second-year head coach James Clarkson, went through a roster overhaul in the offseason with a focus on fitness, efficiency in the attack and sturdier defense.
  3. Using that solution as their base, the researchers added pollen-protecting ingredients, like calcium and potassium, along with a polymer to make the bubbles sturdy enough to withstand winds generated by drone propellers.
  4. For example, most of the galleasses couldn’t carry the sturdy square sails because of the size of the galley-based hull.
  5. Designed as a massive circular platform reinforced with sturdy metallic plates, and driven by wheels – the Armored Car was envisaged to have a crew of 8 members inside the hull.