lint / lɪnt /


lint 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. minute shreds or ravelings of yarn; bits of thread.
  2. staple cotton fiber used to make yarn.
  3. cotton waste produced by the ginning process.
  4. a soft material for dressing wounds, procured by scraping or otherwise treating linen cloth.

lint 近义词


等同于 thread


等同于 dust


等同于 fluff

lint 的近义词 6

等同于 fur

lint 的近义词 6

等同于 fuzz

lint 的近义词 10
lint 的反义词 1


  1. Microplastics encompass numerous chemical compounds, come in all shapes, and range in size from visible bits of lint to the nano-scale.
  2. That kind of pipe should not have any screws because lint builds up on the screws, and that can cause lots of problems.
  3. Washing and drying laundry removes little bits of lint and dye from fabrics.
  4. Animals exposed to plastic-tainted dryer lint had broken DNA.
  5. Most research on environmental risks from the release of laundry lint has focused on plastic fibers.
  6. Meanwhile, the group claims, Somers acted dismissive and at one point in the meeting picked lint off his jacket.
  7. Mostly lint, but sometimes an opening for a book floats to the surface.
  8. Makeup is reapplied, lint rollers are re-rolled, and string is cut from the inside of a sock.
  9. Fergan accepted Simonne's offer and sat down upon a bench, while the young woman looked for the lint in her pockets.
  10. Quin asked, brushing a speck of lint from the toe of his shining shoe.
  11. It is painful but thorough; it is spread on lint and renewed daily.
  12. There, get me a bit of lint,” he continued, “and you shall see how easily and well I will do this.
  13. I sent Frank some lint the other day, and a bundle of it for Mr. Halsey is by me.