lingeringly / ˈlɪŋ gər /


lingeringly2 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected, as if from reluctance to leave: We lingered awhile after the party.
  2. to remain alive; continue or persist, although gradually dying, ceasing, disappearing, etc.: She lingered a few months after the heart attack. Such practices still linger among the older natives.
  3. to dwell in contemplation, thought, or enjoyment: to linger over the beauty of a painting.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to pass in a leisurely or a tedious manner: We lingered away the whole summer at the beach.
  2. Archaic. to draw out or protract.

lingeringly 近义词


等同于 leisurely


  1. If you’re going for a run or a bike ride, carry a mask in your pocket and avoid busy streets where passersby linger.
  2. Ives notes the timing for inclusion is still up in the air, but “another quarter of profitability would help answer any lingering questions that S&P have,” he notes.
  3. Despite many gaps between stones, sounds briefly lingered inside Stonehenge Lego, the team found.
  4. Previously, some people in Japan and elsewhere had tested positive twice for the virus weeks apart, but doctors had concluded that those results were due to test errors or lingering infection.
  5. Then, for the same period, they identified marine heat waves occurring around the world, where water temperatures for a region lingered in the highest 10 percent ever recorded for that place and that time of year.
  6. His unusual request raised eyebrows in Germany, where dark memories of the Berlin Wall linger on.
  7. Cuomo was asked to show up an hour early, but he evidently did not want to linger at the debate site.
  8. One Republican consultant wondered how long Bridgegate will linger.
  9. And when they linger open for just a few seconds longer than usual, it signals a dreaded delay.
  10. For a writer who was a master of reduction, never one to linger on the passing view, this was an unusually effulgent paragraph.
  11. They didn't linger long at Benton, but got under way and marched overland to the Cypress Hills.
  12. As she said the last word, she looked at Baroudi, and her voice seemed to linger on the word as on a word beloved.
  13. But one would linger long on the way if hePg 83 paused at every landmark on the Southampton road.
  14. It is better to leave while all will regret you, than to linger on until you have worn out your welcome.
  15. Of no part of our tour does a pleasanter memory linger than of the five or six hundred miles on the highways of Wales.