lazily / ˈleɪ zi /


lazily2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

la·zi·er, la·zi·est.

  1. averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.
  2. causing idleness or indolence: a hot, lazy afternoon.
  3. slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy stream.
  4. placed on its side instead of upright.
v. 无主动词 verb

la·zied, la·zy·ing.

  1. to laze.

lazily 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb


lazily 的近义词 5


  1. Then we stigmatize them because it is an easy, lazy way, to feel better about ourselves.
  2. Some of them have really funny and really good personalities, but either they’re shy or they’re awkward or they’re lazy or all the above, and they don’t want to put in that extra effort, that extra time to develop their brand.
  3. Signing up for Robinhood can feel like navigating a lazy mobile video game.
  4. Using a scale means you can just dump stuff in a bowl straight from the container, which is great for lazy cooks and reluctant dishwashers like me.
  5. That was meant to be the world’s weirdest, laziest simulation of an open water swim ever, just the first leg of my fake triathlon.
  6. We raced so fast that our rifles dropped out of our shoulders and lazily down to our sides.
  7. So often, cussing as an insult is employed lazily in scripts.
  8. Onstage, a trio of dancers in elaborate underwear sway lazily to generic synth beats.
  9. Bored, in fact, as if waiting for Bailey to take the photo, head propped up lazily on his hand.
  10. An occasional tour bus or motorbike roars through, and, at dusk, hot air balloons drift lazily overhead.
  11. As they entered, a liver-coloured hound that lay stretched before the fire growled lazily, and showed the whites of his eyes.
  12. "I hope it doesn't rain the way it did the other day," said Mollie, as she lazily surveyed a cloudless sky.
  13. Besides the cowboys there were several Indians leaning against the counters or sitting lazily on boxes and barrels.
  14. After lunch the girls strolled around a bit, leaving their mounts to graze lazily.
  15. He strolled lazily over to the fireplace, took a cigarette-case from his pocket, a cigarette from it, and struck a light.