comfortably / ˈkʌm fər tə bəl, ˈkʌmf tər bəl /


comfortably2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. producing or affording physical comfort, support, or ease: a comfortable chair;comfortable shoes.
  2. being in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed; at ease: to be comfortable in new shoes;I don't feel comfortable in the same room with her.
  3. producing mental comfort or ease; easy to accommodate oneself to or associate with: She's a comfortable person to be with.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Chiefly Northern U.S. a quilted bedcover; comforter.

comfortably 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb



  1. Depending on your make and model, and the grips you get, you may have to do a little wire-running, but they are generally pretty simple to install and an affordable item that will help keep you comfortable in the field.
  2. Technically, the Ronny is an angler’s PFD, but it’s so versatile and comfortable that I wear it every time I’m on the river.
  3. Polling in 2019 at the outset of the first-ever serious campaign for president by an “out” candidate, Pete Buttigieg, showed that 68 percent of Americans were comfortable or enthusiastic about a bid like his for the nation’s highest office.
  4. The future, we concluded, will therefore be lightweight, powerful, well-suspended and comfortable.
  5. GitLab, the all-remote company that makes tools for software developers, encourages its employees to buy whatever they need to get comfortable, within reason.
  6. We prefer to wave away the warning signs; like The Interview, Mulholland Drive was comfortably downplayed as over-the-top satire.
  7. He was one of those men who could comfortably move from comedy to drama, from drama to comedy, to drama with comedy.
  8. Contempt for the middle class is often barely concealed among those most comfortably ensconced in the emerging class order.
  9. He faces a tea-party challenger in a primary tomorrow for various little apostasies, but he is expected to win comfortably.
  10. Brazilian women were able to sit comfortably next to men, cheering on their team.
  11. We might live very comfortably together now, Mr. Samuel, eh?
  12. Isaac Bolum had fixed himself comfortably on two legs of his chair, with the projecting soles of his boots caught behind the rung.
  13. There was only one obstacle to his walking quietly and comfortably away, which was that the door was locked and the key gone.
  14. And under it on benches the usual crowd gathered reposing comfortably thereunder from day to day.
  15. And as she snuggled comfortably beneath the eiderdown a sense of restfulness invaded her, such as she had not known before.