lawmaking / ˈlɔˌmeɪ kər /


lawmaking 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who makes or enacts law; legislator.

lawmaking 近义词


等同于 legislation


等同于 constitution


  1. The public will hear more about what exactly happened, and lawmakers will also have time to take more nuanced positions.
  2. In the District, lawmakers in September approved a package of sweeping road-safety measures to accelerate improvements to bike and pedestrian infrastructure, expand the city’s automated traffic enforcement program and boost traffic safety education.
  3. A second was to remind everyone of the lingering and lasting effects of the trauma on lawmakers, their staffs, law enforcement officers and Capitol support employees.
  4. His supporters, the managers said, were heeding his calls with their violent plans to stop the vote count and even harm lawmakers.
  5. Powell has repeatedly urged lawmakers to keep relief flowing, especially for the 10 million Americans whose jobs have not returned since the pandemic began.
  6. Yes, the future lawmaker built up a full-service Santa business with a sleigh pulled by real reindeer.
  7. The brash, engaged, occasionally self-centered ex-lawmaker seemed to retreat inward and practically disappear.
  8. Last week, a Republican state lawmaker introduced a bill that would change the way the state awards its 16 electoral votes.
  9. The celebrity lawmaker gets his first full term as a U.S. Senator.
  10. Mitchell has close ties with Sen. Jerry Tillman, the lawmaker who sponsored the bill.
  11. In this respect they are, like those geological expositions, useful lessons and mementoes to the lawmaker.
  12. As sovereignty is universal, everybody becomes lawmaker and regulator of his neighbors.
  13. In druidic times priest, teacher, and lawmaker were honored above brute force of arms.
  14. Now, we can have no more conception of law outside of a lawmaker, than we can have of an agent without a principal or an agency.
  15. The power of her poetry is shown by the story of its effect on the rugged character of Solon, the lawmaker.