latitudinarian / ˌlæt ɪˌtud nˈɛər i ən, -ˌtyud- /


latitudinarian2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. allowing or characterized by latitude in opinion or conduct, especially in religious views.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who is latitudinarian in opinion or conduct.
  2. Anglican Church. one of the churchmen in the 17th century who maintained the wisdom of the episcopal form of government and ritual but denied its divine origin and authority.

latitudinarian 近义词


等同于 liberal


等同于 permissive


等同于 liberalistic


  1. The Latitudinarian party, whose faults and temptations lay in a very opposite direction, was very strong.
  2. In the wabeno dance, which is esteemed by the Indians as the most latitudinarian co-fraternity, love songs are introduced.
  3. Latitudinarian opinions revived, and the church was regarded merely as a human institution.
  4. Good sound crushing, rending, comfortable nails of doctrine—none of your airy latitudinarian tin-tacks.
  5. Amyraut, the latitudinarian professor of Saumur, was the author of one of them; Bochart that of the other.