jilted / dʒɪlt /


jilted2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to reject or cast aside, especially abruptly or unfeelingly.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a woman who jilts a lover.

jilted 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


jilted 的近义词 5
jilted 的反义词 1


  1. The Kafranbel posters have jilted both the regime and the rising tide of al-Qaeda affiliated Islamists inside Syria.
  2. And with being jilted at the altar, suddenly she felt, ‘All right, I’ve got to make a life for myself.
  3. And Liberty Ross, the model jilted for Kristen Stewart, has started dating again.
  4. Never married and approaching 40, his last long-term relationship ended in a jilted bride and returned registry items.
  5. The right wing is like a vulnerable adolescent who has suddenly been jilted.
  6. Phœbe Chiffinch, I am glad to add, was jilted by her uninteresting lover, who little knew what a fortune he was slighting.
  7. Suppose you have been jilted in a way which wounds your vanity.
  8. He had loved a young lady, and had been accepted;—and then the young lady had jilted him.
  9. Edward, in some fashion that was never made quite clear to me, had previously jilted both the sisters.
  10. But he brought back no such appearance, and, seeing him after an interval, she was struck afresh with his jilted and wasted air.