hazard / ˈhæz ərd /


hazard2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an unavoidable danger or risk, even though often foreseeable: The job was full of hazards.
  2. something causing unavoidable danger, peril, risk, or difficulty: the many hazards of the big city.
  3. the absence or lack of predictability; chance; uncertainty: There is an element of hazard in the execution of the most painstaking plans.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to offer with the possibility of facing criticism, disapproval, failure, or the like; venture: He hazarded a guess, with trepidation, as to her motives in writing the article.
  2. to put to the risk of being lost; expose to risk: In making the investment, he hazarded all his savings.
  3. to take or run the risk of: Thieves hazard arrest.
  4. to venture upon: to hazard a dangerous encounter.

hazard 近义词

n. 名词 noun


n. 名词 noun

luck, chance

v. 动词 verb

take a chance; risk


  1. It might be a hazard of the job, and even if you leave Instagram, it would probably be good to talk to a therapist who can help you develop coping strategies.
  2. Autonomous vehicles need to be able to predict whether a child is about to run into the road or whether a wobbling cyclist presents a hazard.
  3. Yet, while desire is one thing, the hazards that await are another.
  4. It is outrageous that these companies are keeping all of us in the dark about the dangers these workers face and the hazards that still exist across San Diego County and the state.
  5. The job may look as simple as connecting two wires, but doing the job incorrectly can be a true safety hazard either immediately or down the road.
  6. That is where the subordinate gangs like Big Hazard come in.
  7. The Hazard gang is a multi-generational gang based in the East Los Angeles area.
  8. Hazard ratios were largest for benzodiazepines—the most commonly prescribed drug class.
  9. “Sexual assault is not an occupational hazard,” Arbogast said.
  10. And garbage from this massive infrastructure project was also poured into the Mzymta River, causing an ecological hazard.
  11. Not suspecting her motive, he represented the hazard of putting so great an affront on the favourite of the Empress.
  12. A fifth by the sheer hazard of a lucky "deal" acquires a fortune without work at all.
  13. She began to perceive what life really was, and the immense importance of hazard therein.
  14. Lawrence, when the day was lost, rode back to prepare the hapless Europeans in the city for the hazard that now threatened.
  15. That it was his determination to hazard all things rather than chill the coalition.