gyrational / dʒaɪˈreɪ ʃən /


gyrational 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of gyrating; circular or spiral motion; revolution; rotation; whirling.

gyrational 近义词


等同于 revolving


  1. Wild price gyrations, high-profile ransomware attacks and influencer-driven speculative trading have also drawn skepticism to the world of crypto.
  2. The mess in the mayoral contest was exemplified by the gyrations of the Working Families Party, New York's left-wing kingmaker.
  3. In a painstakingly precise experiment, muons’ gyrations within a magnetic field seem to defy predictions of the standard model of particle physics, which describes known fundamental particles and forces.
  4. Space businesses, no matter how large, often find themselves hunting for opportunity amidst the gyrations of national space powers.
  5. Or the receiver leaping in gyration to catch a poorly thrown ball that defies all bounds of athleticism.
  6. Now that the air impelled returns unto its place in a gyration or whirling, is evident from the Atoms or Motes in the Sun.
  7. Then it gives a wild yelp, as in one gyration it shoots upwards, and screams round the crag.
  8. But then, making a discursive gyration round a point is not leaving it—and there you're wrong.
  9. At B is seen a conical roller, having the middle of the bottom of the tub for its summit and centre of gyration.
  10. I mean a sense of gigantic gyration, as of the whole earth turning about one's head.