rotatory / ˈroʊ təˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i /


rotatory 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. pertaining to or of the nature of rotation: rotatory motion.
  2. rotating, as an object.
  3. passing or following in rotation or succession.
  4. causing rotation, as a muscle.

rotatory 近义词


等同于 rotary


等同于 revolving


  1. This product is dextro-rotatory; the laevo and inactive modifications occur in the so-called baldrianic camphor.
  2. I have had no experience of the rotatory movements of earthquakes.
  3. This serious objection has been removed by imparting, by means of clock-work, a uniform rotatory motion to the reflector.
  4. Yes truly, few men that worship by the rotatory Calabash of the Calmucks do it in half so great, frank or effectual a way.
  5. Few men that worship by the rotatory Calabash, do it in half so great, frank or effectual a way.