grievously / ˈgri vəs /


grievously 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. causing grief or great sorrow: grievous news.
  2. flagrant; outrageous; atrocious: a grievous offense against morality.
  3. full of or expressing grief; sorrowful: a grievous cry.
  4. burdensome or oppressive.
  5. causing great pain or suffering: arrested for causing grievous bodily harm to someone in a bar.

grievously 近义词


等同于 seriously


等同于 sadly

grievously 的近义词 9
grievously 的反义词 1

等同于 sorely


等同于 unfortunately


等同于 sorely

grievously 的近义词 4


  1. The country’s grievous past has so thoroughly spoiled the present that even the Constitution has been called into question.
  2. If the allegations are false, Cosby has been grievously wronged with his reputation forever tainted.
  3. And Bill Weasley remains happily married to Fleur Delacour despite being “grievously scarred from an encounter with a werewolf”.
  4. Want to know why the Tea Party so eager to grievously wound the Republican Party?
  5. Li was sprawled on the kitchen floor with her 5-year-old son, Kevin Zhou, both of them grievously wounded.
  6. He was one of the most grievously injured pilots to arrive in Hanoi.
  7. A full third of the attacking force lay on the ground, dead or grievously wounded.
  8. Moreover, she had never so thoroughly enjoyed being a girl, and love-making would have bored her grievously.
  9. I believe they expected to receive a large sum from these relics: how grievously they were disappointed I need not tell.
  10. The assailants were grievously embarrassed by stones rolled down upon them and by the fire of the archers.
  11. My failure to accomplish the desired result is grievously exasperating, and I feel deeply humiliated.