miserably / ˈmɪz ər ə bəl, ˈmɪz rə- /


miserably 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. wretchedly unhappy, uneasy, or uncomfortable: miserable victims of war.
  2. wretchedly poor; needy.
  3. of wretched character or quality; contemptible: a miserable villain.
  4. attended with or causing misery: a miserable existence.
  5. manifesting misery.
  6. worthy of pity; deplorable: a miserable failure.

miserably 近义词

adv. 副词 adverb



  1. Misery may love company, but when everyone is more or less miserable, we need some kind of relief valve.
  2. She had never hiked or camped because her allergies make her miserable outdoors.
  3. I’m worried I’ll end up cold and miserable, sitting alone in the woods and unable to enjoy the experience.
  4. Though Minnesota’s good fortune this season is proof that can always change, the T-Wolves also prove you have to suffer through some pretty miserable basketball to give yourself enough chances for that luck to reverse.
  5. They lived in a camp that houses more than 5,000 people who had fled Boko Haram, and life in the camp was miserable.
  6. Their first attempt to unseat the House speaker failed miserably, so why not try again?
  7. So, miserably, he resorted to the autocue, and even this he turned into a disaster.
  8. And, crucially, what next for these so-called lost women, for the lost girls who have been failed so miserably?
  9. Most of those states, moreover, failed miserably in basic functions.
  10. I had expected Alaska to be miserably cold, with howling winds and fierce storms.
  11. Few of us ever made a proper use of models, and nearly all of us have miserably trained hands.
  12. The huts of the poor people are miserably bad, being mostly built of clay and wood, and threatening to fall down every moment.
  13. Controve, compose or invent tunes, foule fayle, fail miserably.
  14. Those two men are to-day holding their offices by the vote of a miserably lean minority of the people of the State of Tennessee.
  15. He looks as pale as the visard of the ghost which cries so miserably at the Theatre, like an oyster-wife, "Hamlet, revenge!"