cheerlessly / ˈtʃɪər lɪs /


cheerlessly 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. without cheer; joyless; gloomy: drab, cheerless surroundings.

cheerlessly 近义词


等同于 sadly

cheerlessly 的近义词 9
cheerlessly 的反义词 1


  1. Players adapted to a new world of isolation and cheerless games.
  2. The current period, from the 1990s through today, is surprisingly cheerless.
  3. It was a cheerless morning when they got into the street, blowing and raining hard, and the clouds looking dull and stormy.
  4. Pools of water stood in the miry streets, and every aspect of nature was cheerless and desolate.
  5. The night wind sweeps across the cheerless park, chilling us to the bone.
  6. It is not, however, quite so barren and cheerless as in the immediate precincts of Dover.
  7. It was a cheerless morning, the sky being heavy and of slaty hue, whilst a brisk north-easter blew cold off the water.