gracile / ˈgræs ɪl /


gracile 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. gracefully slender.
  2. slender; thin.

gracile 近义词


等同于 slender


  1. Beatrice suggests to me something slim and gracile rather than two hundred pounds of hump-backed and enterprising pork.
  2. Before he recognized the olive-green tailor suit which he had come to know, he noticed the firm yet gracile move of her.
  3. Varro ascribes to him the gracile genus dicendi, the distinguishing features of which were venustas and subtilitas.
  4. The varied activities of the life of a leopard are what have developed the sinuous gracile strength we so admire.
  5. She heard it, too, for the gracile fingers fell from the strings.